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Days of Climate

Days of Climate

The impact of climate change on the planet is a topic that demands our attention and action. It is covered in the media all over the world, and is becoming our daily reality.

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The whole DSK key visual was inspired by the increasing global warming. Moodboard, the starting point for our further activities, was therefore, a game of how we can present temperature differences, of how to begin with the colors from this seemingly obvious topic, that gives many possibilities for its interpretation.

The colors proposed by us are divided into two tonal transitions, that can be supplemented with a matching photo or a chosen gradient map. This solution gives a possibility to maintain one consistent convention for the entire set of materials.




Illustrator / Photoshop


Obszar Metropolitalny Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot


Leniva° Studio Team

Concept and Key Visual: Kamil Przybyła, Neon Neonov
Art Direction: Neon Neonov
Production: Lena Mitkowa, Saskia Mońka

DSK Team

Jarosław Maciejewski
Alicja Mongird

See also

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