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Ulrich Gardens

Ulrich Gardens

Who knows pineapples once grew in Warsaw?

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The history of Ulrich Gardens dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when an Ulrich family business was located in Warsaw’s Wola district; famous for its large greenhouses with their pineapple crops, garden nurseries and a beautiful show garden.

Currently, the remains of the historic, pre-war building have been revitalized and transformed into a new gastronomic and entertainment concept on the map of Warsaw. Our task was to develop a comprehensive campaign for the opening of the Gardens – from strictly digital creations to large format.


Campaign / Design


Photoshop / Illustrator


INGKA / Wola Park

The soft end
of the pineapple

We knew that there was only one main character and there was no doubt who it would be – after all, history obliges.

However, we wanted to reflect the multiplicity and variety of services offered by the concept, hence the campaign was also developed with complementary creations.

The creations we have proposed combine vivid colors and juicy photos – we wanted the whole thing to break the autumn aura and catch the eye of the end consumers from afar, not only on the internet, but above all, in external communication, in urban space.

The new Ulrich Gardens have been opened since October 12, 2022. We recommend all residents of Warsaw: be sure to drop by with your friends or families.

For people who cannot visit the space personally – to wipe away the tears, we present a few photos from the ceremonial opening of the revitalized space.


Team Leniva° Studio

Concept and Key Visual: Neon Neonov
Implementation: Marta Krzemień-Ojak, Kamil Przybyła
Production: Saskia Mońka, Lena Mitkowa, Janek Mońka

Web: Janek Mońka

Client’s Team

Emilia Szkudlarek
Kamila Popławska-Bernatowicz
Artur Drączkowski
Havas PR Warsaw

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