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Lux Occulta

Lux Occulta

A celebration of a new year. Affirmation of the unknown that is yet to come. A pinch of alchemy and a lot of wit. A concept to be witnessed and interpreted on many levels, an occult labyrinth of smoke and mirrors. 

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Every reason for a party is good enough. Beginning of a new year and our studio entering the 14th year of life is definitely one of them. We celebrated it at Studio Bank in Warsaw. 

Our designer team created the concept combining design and occultism. We added some prosecco and had the 3 things we cherish the most at one place.

We’ve invited our friends and clients to spend this special night with us, dancing, drinking and contemplating the divine and our new manifesto.

We’ve also designed all the support materials for the party’s communication – starting with the main design, through posters utilizing marketing slogans, witty horoscopes for our guests, pins and stickers. And yes. We’ve added pink smoke.


Animation / Branding / Interior Design


Illustrator / After Effects /
Bare Hands


Leniva° Studio

We wanted a party. But we also wanted to give our clients and friends something not only to remember, but also to reflect on – a multi-dimensional immersive experience with a disruptive potential.

Unconventional and challenging spectacle to witness – that was our baseline. We knew that extreme combinations call for unusual means and approach. 

Not everyday brings you a chance to combine design, alchemy and magic. Not every task allows you to delve into occultism, play bunker techno, serve tap prosecco and immerse your guests in a carefully orchestrated 4-hour-sharp magickal rite of passage.

If the devil truly is in the detail, we wanted all hell to break loose and flood your senses with our understanding of bravery.

Grandiloquence was not an option, as we aimed for a precisely engineered balance between the intellectual depth and our rather quirky sense of humor. 

If you have an opportunity for serious conjuring, use it well. For us it resulted in many satyric design and marketing related plot twists and puns. Intended. And surprisingly well received. 

Why? Because why the F not?
And for the glory of Satan of course. 

The Manifesto

Here we stand together, as a coven of alchemists, where the art of the Aetheric is transmuted into the creation of the Physical. Fear though not, as there is more to the secrets of existence than mere design. For years, we have delved deep into the arcane possibilities that come with our wisdom and knowing. The more we unlock the secrets of the craft, the more we pay heed to the world that surrounds us. Though it may seem that all is smoke and mirrors, it is not so. It is about conjuring things that are in harmony and balance. Where purpose is the guiding principle, aesthetics can follow in an orderly and meaningful way. All that we think, speak and do, transfigurates the realm around us.

The consequences of our manifestation are of great importance to us, and thoughtful act of creation is both the reason and the result of what we have envisioned. As every Magick comes with a price. We expect our initiates to trust our process, and in turn, we offer transparency and spiritual guidance at every step of the Mysteria. Honesty begets quality. Wisdom and Light for All. It is not about us, it is about the purpose. We seek only the things that work, in perfect harmony and balance. As above, So Below. All Rise, All Hail.

The night before

When the stars
have aligned


Leniva° Studio Team

Concept and Key Visual: Kamil Przybyła, Neon Neonov
Implementation: Neon Neonov, Kamil Przybyła
Production: Saskia Mońka, Lena Mitkowa

Studio Bank

Szymon Kobusiński with his Team

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